This worksheet set covers the basics of miter saw use, proper technique, and safety around the miter saw. This is a great worksheet to refresh students already familiar with power tools, as a sub lesson, alternative activity, or to redirect students who can not work in the shop.
Included are: guided notes, crossword puzzle, word search, and quiz. Keys for each worksheet are included. All you have to add is the detail in your lecture to highlight these worksheets.
Drawing Biltmore diagrams on the board or making your own worksheets? Not anymore! Use our worksheets to help your students practice reading a Biltmore stick in the classroom before heading out to the forestry plot. This way you can check for accuracy and head off...
Stop trying to draw compasses on the board and just make copies instead. Reading a compass correctly is a skill that takes practice. Students can easily practice reading a compass in the classroom before heading outside where their needle is constantly moving. This way you...
Making PowerPoints and Worksheets for the content portion of class can be quite tedious even when you know what you want to put on there. We'll save you some time. The PowerPoints and worksheets cover: 1) the history and oversight of Genetically Modified Organisms in...
This worksheet set covers: 1) the history and oversight of Genetically Modified Organisms in the U.S. They review the basic timeline of genetic modification and federal agencies charged with regulating GMOs as well as some of the first GMOs commercially used. 2) the basics of...