Wherever Corn Grows...
Ag Sales Videos on PlowVideos.com
Here's a list of the (9) Ag Sales videos featured on the plowvideos.com website: The Right Perspective Anatomy of a Sales Call Opening Dialogue Building Rapport Wants and Needs Features and Benefits... -
Land Measurement Videos on PlowVideos.com
Here's a list of the (8) Land Measurement videos for Forestry featured on the plowvideos.com website: Before You Go Outside Getting Started With Map Drawing Drawing Your Map Calculating Acreage... -
Meats Judging: Retail Cut ID, Grading, and Placing Videos
Here's a list of the (40) Meats Judging ID, Grading, and Placing videos featured on the plowvideos.com website: Beef Retail Cut ID (16) Porterhouse vs T-bone Steak Parts Of A T-bone Steak... -
Poinsettias Growing and Production Videos on plowvideos.com
Here's a list of the (14) Poinsettia Growing and Production videos featured on the plowvideos.com website: Why You Should Try It Learning Opportunities Materials and Preparation Transplanting Cuttings Watering Your Crop... -
Land and Soil Judging CDE Videos on plowvideos.com
Here's a list of the (20) Land and Soil Judging CDE videos featured on the plowvideos.com website: Finding Slope Making A Ribbon Locating Texture Change Land Class Overview Topsoil Permeability... -
Poultry Judging CDE Videos on plowvideos.com
Here's a list of the (51) Poultry Judging CDE videos featured on the plowvideos.com website: Interior Egg Grading (10) Internal Quality DIY Candler What to Expect at the Cde Aa Grade... -
Creed Speaking Videos on PLOW
Here's a list of the (18) Creed Speaking Training Videos featured the plowvideos.com website: Why Do The Creed Recruiting Speakers How To Learn The Creed How Much Practice Building A Question... -
Floral Design Videos on plowvideos.com
Here’s a list of the 32 Floral Design Tutorial Videos for the Floriculture CDE or Floral Design Class featured the plowvideos.com website: on the PLOWvideos.com website: Best Practices (4) Checking Quality... -
Vet Science CDE practicum videos on PLOW
Here's a list of the (45) Veterinary Science CDE videos featured on the plowvideos.com website: Animal Handling – (6) Removing a cat from a cage Carrying a cat correctly Removing... -
One of the best parts of the school year is…
One of the best parts of the school year is……when it’s over.No matter how good the year had been or what we achieved, I always enjoyed the end of the... -
That mountain you've been carrying
Recently (especially since that Year-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named), I feel that it has gotten worse.Now I see so many Ag teachers not just struggling to climb that mountain…But trying to carry it.And many of y’all are starting to break under the load.This is your permission to set it down. -
So your FFA kids didn't win...
This time of year brings a lot of highs and lows. And I’m not talking about the temperature outside (Seriously, Mother Nature, can we pick a season already?) I’m talking...