PLOW Poultry Judging Only, 365 Day Access


Want to make training a Poultry Judging team simple and efficient? Your students can learn on their own so your practice time is more effective

  • 365 days of access
  • unlimited logins per teacher (no limits on class size)
  • access all the poultry videos on the site (including any new ones that may be added during your membership)
  • rewatch tutorials to master the skills demonstrated
  • maximize practice time
  • develop confidence

Your students will excel at their next CDE  when you have a subscription to the Poultry Judging video tutorials on PLOW. 

See all the videos included HERE.

[NOTE] This subscription is for the Poultry Judging videos ONLY. You will not have access to the other categories on PLOW.

If you have a full PLOW Membership, then you can already access these videos. 

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