This is a set of short lessons with activities delivered as a PDF. If you’ve ever tried to incorporate public speaking or the FFA Creed into your curriculum and been frustrated or given up, then you need to give All-In-One Lessons a try. With a...
Preparing for the Conduct of Chapter Meetings LDE requires practicing just like the contest but.... ...creating main motions, abilities, and oral questions takes time that most teachers don't have. Make coaching your team or practicing motions in class easy with our Skill Builder cards. This set contains 6...
Still writing questions on index cards to use in class activities like Writing-to-Learn or for your Creed Speaker to practice with? You can stop now. We've done the work for you. Quick Cards is a set of 40 questions about the FFA Creed. All five paragraphs of the...
Students need to USE parliamentary procedure to really UNDERSTAND it and coming up with fun motions on the spur of the moment is difficult. Go easy on yourself and use our Skill Builder cards. This file contains 30 cards with fun main motions fully stated and...
On the download there are 28 files which cover Motion Classes, Using Parliamentary Procedure, Voting, Motion Purposes, and slideshows for each individual motion. Each motion also has a slideshow with a script for using the motion. What kinds of worksheets are included? - Fill-in-the-Blank...
Sometimes you just need a good worksheet and don't have the time to make one up. Maybe you want your students to have certain information in their notes or you want to make sure you present your information the same way for multiple classes or...
Preparing for the Parliamentary Procedure LDE requires practicing just like the contest but.... ...creating main motions, abilities, and oral questions takes time that most teachers don't have. Make coaching your team or practicing motions in class easy with our Skill Builder cards. This set contains 8 complete sets of...