Preparing for the Parliamentary Procedure LDE requires practicing just like the contest but.... ...creating main motions, abilities, and oral questions takes time that most teachers don't have. Make coaching your team or practicing motions in class easy with our Skill Builder cards. This set contains 8 complete sets of...
Preparing for the Conduct of Chapter Meetings LDE requires practicing just like the contest but.... ...creating main motions, abilities, and oral questions takes time that most teachers don't have. Make coaching your team or practicing motions in class easy with our Skill Builder cards. This set contains 6...
Overwhelmed by the vast amount of knowledge needed for the parliamentary procedure CDE or to teach it in class? Many resources out there are very thorough but also confusing. We've simplified what you need to know and condensed it into an easy to use and...
Some activities are only good once you complete the unit but ours are made to reinforce the material along the way. Don't limit yourself to just one, go for the Unit Set so you can tailor your review activities to your class composition and time...
Still writing questions on index cards for your team to study from or to use in class activities like Jeopardy and Ticket-Out-the-Door? You can stop now. We've done the work for you. Quick Cards is a set of of 120 double-sided question and answer cards. Use them...
Sometimes you just need a good worksheet and don't have the time to make one up. Maybe you want your students to have certain information in their notes or you want to make sure you present your information the same way for multiple classes or...