These cards help students master the ID portion of the CDE and gain confidence.
Training a Meats Judging team is time-consuming and expensive! The driving around town trying to find different cuts, working with a local butcher (if you are lucky), countless hours searching the internet for photos...and then you still have to teach how to identify each cut. We've been there which is why we've made our Meats Judging Retail Cut ID cards the most comprehensive practice cards available.
$125.00 $500.00
PLEASE NOTE: THIS BOOK WILL BEGIN SHIPPING ON DECEMBER 19, 2024 Whether you're starting from scratch or training experienced students, the Meats Evaluation contest can be a bit... overwhelming. Figuring out where to start and finding relevant information is an arduous task, to say the least. ...
Want to use Ribeye Area Estimation as a lab in your Animal Science class or for your Meats Judging team to practice? This set of ten plastic dot grids can make that a reality. Each set also comes with instructions and 10 plastic dot grids...
Whether you use our posters to spice up your classroom walls or as a teaching tool, we know your students will find them simple to understand and will want to study them. Our posters are unique because they are... 1. Double-sided. One side is labeled and the...
Master yield grading even if you can't spend time in the cooler. Includes 30 new ribeyes all shown at their actual size so your students can practice accurate estimation. Each set has carcass data, yield grades, and quality grades on the back, along with three...